Fredrocker's Combat Mission Site

Last Updated: 1/27/2025

This is the CM Campaign Download Page (click on Campaign Title to download) The Graphic Icon next to the title will pertain to the CM product it is for

The Boyz of FGM
(CMFI Allies vs AI) - A nine battle campaign (Allies vs AI) featuring core units commanded by members of the FGM community. Core units are mde up of mostly British Recon and Recce. Best map I ever made is in Battle four 'The Road to Cusano Mutri' featuring rugged Mountain Terrain with a road going through it. 

Shimi's March

 (CMBN- Allies vs AI) - This is a 10 Scenario Campaign designed for Allies vs AI, and is based around the exploits of Lord Lovet and his British Commando’s on D-day June 6th, 1944 thru June 8th. Though Fictional in nature there are some historical apsects to the Campaign. Included within the .zip file is a PDF Manual discussing the campaign

Sie Kommen II Allies

 (CMBN - Allies vs AI) - 18 Scenario Campaign Allies vs AI... Join the boyz as they hit the beach and work there way inland. Based upon the original Sie Kommen Campaign for CMAK. There is a PDF Manual included within the .zip file.

Sie Kommen II Axis

 (CMBN - Axis vs AI) - Featuring 11 of the 18 battles from the US Campaign that have been modified for Axis vs AI play. Great high tension battles... can you stop the Allies from advancing inland. Also includes a PDF Manual for this campaign.

Major Nosov's Bridgade

(CMA - Allies vs AI) - This campaign consists of a group of scenarios that reflect the first three months of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan at the end of 1979. The scenarios are fictional and involve units of the 56th Air Attack Brigade along with support units of the 36th Air Corp. They cover an area (corridor) from Kabul in the Northeast to Kandahar to the Southwest. There are seven scenarios in the campaign, though depending on the outcomes of battles you can play anywhere from 3 to 6 of them. Replay ability is very high in that there are multiple AI plans for each scenario. Also there is multiple 'paths' within the campaign. You may only play this campaign as Red vs AI. In the future the scenarios may be modified and released for H2H play.